Goodbye 2007
well here it is my very last blog post of 2007, sigh.
sitting here in my jammies and having a morning coffee I realize that, I did it, I made it...I survived my first year of being an artist full time.
now if I can survive doing my taxes (my receipts are a total mess) then all will be good in the world. Actually strike that....if I can make it though the winter and the huge heating bills for this old drafty house, well....then I will be safe.
SO now that we are on the precipice of 2008 I know it's time for the old resolutions, yes...I need to lose weight, yes I know I'm not "fat" I am curvy which I am sine with, I love my curves I rather look like an old timey movie star bombshell than a stick figure....and I know my bubs loves me and my body....but still it would not be New Years if I was not vowing to lose weight.
So there you have it....
I also, need to manage my time better, I need to work a little more and lurk on the internet a little less, now I am not talking about blogging mainly about my etsy forum lurking and my obsession with celebrity gossip, I mean many times to I HAVE to check Perez Hilton every day???? I am sure I can cut back to just once, right? I mean, I don't even know who half these people are.
I do need to draw more which I always say, but most importantly I really need to be less hard on myself, not everything in the sketchbook needs to be a masterpiece, and when things don't turn out....well, who cares.
I do need to broaden my horizons a little, and so far the beginning of 2008 will be doing that, I have some shops interested and gallery in MA too, I need to be unafraid of taking chances...I also need to work bigger and better, after recently doing a few larger commission projects I realized how satisfying it is to work on a large scale, I know etsy is not really the place to sell pieces like that as they are pretty expensive, but this may sound strange but there feels like there is something inside me that needs to work bigger, and I should listen to that.
And last but certainly not least....I need to get my health in order and start feeling better, no matter what it takes, not to sound like my mom, but I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
there are countless more things I need and want to do in the next year, some I will share with you here when the time is right....some are things that are just all me.
ok enough of the long (inane) ramblings of me.....what are you all doing for New Year's Eve???
my bubs and I will be appearing at a local party and wandering the streets of our lovely little town, most likely we will be intoxicated, after all we will be walking everywhere tonight so we need to be drunk enough to not feel the cold.
if you do not hear from me tomorrow, well I am probably hung until then, have a happy and safe New Year....
oh and no Drunk Driving!!!!! Seriously people don't do it!!!
Labels: drunk, new years resolutions, perez hilton, slumber party